Creating the Space
For Diversified Work Communities
A sense of belonging and equality within the work community is crucial for employee well-being and commitment. It is essential that every staff member feels recognised and valued for who they truly are.
The experience of belonging and equality within the work community is crucial for employee well-being and commitment. It is essential that every staff member feels recognized and valued for who they are. Achieving this requires the entire community to develop emotional intelligence, foster a sense of togetherness, and engage in an open examination of the shared operating culture and work capacity management.
People’s backgrounds and life situations are inherently diverse, and acknowledging this diversity in the workplace enhances productivity and workflow. From an organisational perspective, it is crucial to develop strategies for viewing personnel diversity as a valuable asset.
We collaborated with Salva ry to implement training focused on building a diverse working community
Recognising this, our client, Salva Ry, has a commitment to promoting well-being and diversity within their teams. We partnered with Salva Ry to design and implement their occupational well-being program, ”A Diverse Work Community.” This program emphasised the importance of diversity and emotional intelligence while also fostering a strong sense of community and optimism across teams. Over the course of six months, every member of the work community engaged in tailored coaching sessions, ensuring that the program impacted all levels of the organisation.
By systematically addressing diversity and emotional skills, both teams and supervisors were empowered to foster a more inclusive and cohesive work environment. Through this process, we strengthened several key areas: personal well-being, clarity of thought, interpersonal relationships, cooperation, and proactive engagement.
Strengthened Areas of the Inner Development Goals (IDG)
Relating to Others
”Työhyvinvointiin liittyvää hanketta pohtiessani olin yhteydessä teihin, sillä olette pitkäaikainen yhteistyökumppanimme. Yhteistyö niin suunnittelussa kuin toteutuksessakin oli helppoa ja joustavaa. ”
”Työyhteisön tarpeet ja toiveet huomioitiin hyvin. Monimuotoinen työyhteisö -hanke oli loistava jatko TYHY-päiville, joissa pohdimme samoja teemoja. Hankkeen aikana teemoihin syvennyttiin syvällisemmin. Asioihin paneutuminen eri kokoonpanoilla oli silmiä avaavaa ja opimme paljon toisistamme. On ollut sujuvaa ja helppoa. Olette ratkaisukeskeinen kumppani, joka kuuntelee meidän tarpeitamme.”